
The Hexagon Society is a Franco-British intellectual movement

The Hexagon Society aims to promote writers, intellectuals, global artists and produce cultural initiatives with impact


Founded in March 2016, we promote culture as a means to fight obscurantism and help charitable causes

Europe must rebuild itself around new ideas. The European people and their leaders truly need to wage a cultural battle. Our cultural institute emerged from this desire. The Hexagon Society is a think&do tank for Europe, based in London, and recently recognized of public utility in the United Kingdom. It brings a new space for intellectual creation to grow, by offering cultural content, in every sense, with innovative formats and with a humanist approach.” - Sophie Wiesenfeld, founder of The Hexagon Society, during an interview for the French newspaper l’Express, on November 28th, 2018. 

The Hexagon Society is a think tank for Europe, based in London, an intellectual movement focused on the production and promotion of impactful cultural content in order to fight obscurantism, populism, racism, and the threat to democracy.

The Hexagon Society was founded on the idea that the people and leaders of Europe must wage a cultural battle and rebuild around new ideas. The society offers a new space for intellectual creation, nurturing the production of new cultural content in innovative formats and with a humanist approach. The Hexagon Society is supported by prominent French intellectuals, such as Bernard-Henri Lévy, Pascal Bruckner and Jacques Attali.

In December 2017 The Hexagon Society was officially recognized as a charity in England and Wales (registered charity number: 1176115).

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